Thursday, October 22, 2015

You Don't Need to Wear Tights

This morning, I have seen many inspirational and beautiful stories about acts of kindness.

A stranger helps a woman traveling alone with an infant by comforting the infant during the flight then helping the woman get the stroller and bags after the plan lands.

A postal worker who finds a letter addressed to God from a little girl whose dog just passed away, and sends the young girl a book and comforting message that the dog made it to heaven and is doing well.

And there were many more as well. Seeing these this morning made me think of my own life, and the people who've been there for me - both friends and strangers. 

A while back, I went into the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions, and was told someone had already come in and paid the $100 bill. Years ago, when I was a waitress, I had a few customers at various times who'd leave me a larger tip so I could buy something needed for the baby I was carrying. A few years ago, after finding out my father-in-law had cancer, someone saw me walking and recognized the fear and sorrow in my eyes and stopped what he was doing to just give me a hug. Not too long ago, while in a state of severe depression, a friend rushed over late at night to help me and be there for me.

It doesn't take tights to be a superhero. It doesn't take wings to be an angel. God sends us normal, everyday people to help us when we most need it. And he sends us to others when they most need it.

All we need to do is be willing to be that superhero. Every one of us has the power to be a superhero in the eyes of someone else - by helping a struggling parent at an airport, or giving a hug to a friend who is grieving, or even just flashing someone a smile and a "good morning" when we pass them on the street.

Let's all be grateful today for those superheroes in our lives, and make more of an effort to be God's hands through acts of kindness to others.

God bless.

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